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A Little About Us

We have been involved with Bernese Mountain Dogs for more than 15 years. Our first Berner was a neglected 9 month old that we took for a weekend "trial". Of course we fell in love with this sweet girl and she fit into our family perfectly. As our love for Dolly grew so did our love for this breed. 


Because my husband is a pastor, we tend to have a lot of people around. We have also always had cats and fostered kittens for years too, which meant we had to have a dog that we could trust with kids, people in general and other animals.  Dolly fit the bill perfectly, she loved people and we never had to worry that she would hurt the kittens, instead, she mothered them. She cared for them so well that she even began lactating and nursed several of them- though she never had any pups of her own! We always joked that if she did have puppies, she would wonder why they didn't purr!


When we lost our old Border Collie mix we decided it was time to bring another Berner into our family. Knowing that this breed is prone to cancer, hip and elbow issues, we did some research before we  bought Dazzle from a breeder in North Dakota, she has champions in her line and dogs with longevity. She has brought so much joy to our lives! 


Because we love this breed and find them to be the best all around family dog we have wanted to breed with health and temperament in mind and keeping with the breed standards so that other families can be blessed by these amazingly incredible dogs!


We live on  3 acres in beautiful Bend Oregon where our dogs are a part of our family and enjoy walking, hiking, kayaking and doing whatever our family is doing.

Our Current "Pack" includes

Timber, Cricket, Shelby, Yukon, Tali, Truffles, Holly, Sage & Bear 

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